Monday, January 16, 2012

New Begginings

I have been wanting to get back on track with exercise and eating better (which would work if I just lost the chocolate cravings!) And my dear friend has unknowingly just inspired me to get my butt in gear! (Thank you so much Christal!)

I am going to go back to Weight Watchers, mostly for the accountability. Every time I start to "Eat better" I do good for a week and then have a bad day and give up for a month. I am hoping that having a good support system and accountability will help me overcome that obstacle.

I am also having deep fears about never getting to have chocolate again (mostly cookies, brownies and cake). I feel like I have to give it all up in order to have the sexy body I want! But I know I just need to chill out and know that that is not true. I just need to have moderation! But I seriously need some help. My husband tries, but I really don't think husbands should try to motivate. It just comes off the wrong way (or I just take it the wrong way).

So, here I go. I am going to go organize my pantry and hide all the baking stuff out in the garage to make it harder to bake. And put all the stuff that is not so good for you in the garage. (I have a food shelf out there) That way when I look in the pantry, I only see healthy options.

Wish me luck!

Cause I really want to lose like 50 pounds this year. (more would be awesome, but 50 is very reasonable!)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So, getting tired of a few things. Journaling EVERY STINKIN DAY is one of them. This to me could totally go. Or try to do a once a week type thing. Trying to fit time in to workout when I'm working my butt off moving furniture and cleaning and stuff is hard. Hey, that should count as a work out! My heart was going and I was sweating!

Monday, October 4, 2010


So, this contest.... I'm not really enthused about the way they did the "awards", but whatever... I can still try to win the most weight lost category and that is going to be my main goal. So, the plan is:

  • Base my meals around vegetables/fruits. Note I put vegetables first!
  • Do more than just a walk for my exercise. Push myself!
  • I think doing just those things will really help me win!

My goal is be at 182 in 3 weeks! I know I can do it!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am so thankful for Nathan and how hard he works to provide for our family so that I don't have to go work. It is so nice that I get to stay at home and raise our children and take care of our home. I am thankful for the extra work that he does at home too. It is making a big difference with me asking him for help instead of just expecting it. He's right, he does do it when I ask! :) I love him so much!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Penny is not feeling good today and her crying all the time and not knowing what it is is really hard on me. I just wish I knew what was wrong with her. I feel lazy today, like I don't want to do anything! But I've got another load of dishes to do, laundry to do, dinner to make by 5, I still need to workout (maybe I should go swimming tonight, I think I would really enjoy that). Anyway, I'm getting sick of journaling everyday!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ugh. I just figured out that I am no longer in the running for the $! I'm pretty ticked off about eating those stupid oreos now! Well, I was kind of thinking what is the point in doing this now, but there is a point! It is to make myself better! And there are still some prizes to be won. I just need to get as many superstar weeks as I can and try to lose the most weight! I can do it!

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's been two weeks for this competition and I've lost 4 pounds. Yey! But, I really want to lose at least two more this week, so I am going to count my calories this week (not fun, but you got to do what you got to do to get the results you wanna get!)